RRT III Home Page

Philadelphia, PA - RRT III

Site Contact:
Sabina Bastias
RRT Coordinator - EPA


Site Location:
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Region 3 Regional Response Team (RRT3)

The Region 3 Regional Response Team (RRT3) is comprised of members from state and federal agencies committed to working efficiently to minimize the adverse effects of oil and chemical incidents that affect safety, human health and the environment.

The RRT is co-chaired by the U.S. Coast Guard Fifth District and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 3. The RRT acts as a regional planning and coordination body for preparedness and response actions. In the case of discharged oil and/or hazardous materials, the chair for the RRT is the member of the agency providing the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC). Preparedness activities are carried out in conjunction with appropriate State Emergency Response Committees, Area Committees, Local Emergency Planning Committees and Tribal Councils. More information on the role of the RRT can be found on the National Response Team website.

Region 3 RRT In Action

Two people wearing hard hats next to a sail boat on land next to a railroad track a long piece of driftwood on a sandy beach near a tall stone tower a bouy on the water near a wooded shoreline with a long yellow boom floating in the water nearby the container ship Evergreen underway with several nearby ships and a blue flag with stars in the foreground a group of people wearing life jackets gathered on three boats moored together RRT 3 Response RRT 3 Response RRT 3 Response

RRT3 Meetings

Regular meetings of the Standing RRT will be convened at least semi-annually (Spring/Fall) and shall be “open meetings”. Meetings will typically rotate throughout the region based on availability of hosting sites.

To find RRT3 meeting dates see the RRT3 Calendar located in the Events tab at the top right of this page.

For RRT3 meeting agendas, presentations, and annual reports please visit the Meetings button above to access either the current meeting or past meeting archives.

RRT3 Committees/Workgroups

In addition to the RRT3 Executive Committee there are five standing workgroups.

For additional information, visit the Notices section.