Training, Exercises & Lessons Learned

Training and Educational Materials

NRT Publications

Emerging Risks Response Awareness Training: Local Emergency Planning Committee/Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (2018)

The NRT Training Subcommittee's presentation: Emerging Risks Response Awareness Training: Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) / Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) describes the history of EPCRA and LEPCs, LEPC roles and responsibilities, resources available to LEPCs, and a case study of and best practices from the Honolulu, Hawaii LEPC. The training is narrated by subject matter experts from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United States Coast Guard (USCG), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the City and County of Honolulu Department of Emergency Management.

Recording of Training (.MP4) (Depending on your connection speed, this file will take a few minutes to download and begin playing).

Presentation Only (.PDF)

Additional Reference Materials:

EPCRA and EPCRA Training for States, Tribes, LEPCs, Local Planners and Responders

Local Emergency Planning Committees (points of contact)

Please reference presentation to access additional materials.

Emerging Risks Response Awareness Training: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) (2016)
The NRT Training Subcommittee’s presentation: Emerging Risks Response Awareness Training: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) provides information on LNG characteristics, production and transportation, as well as response considerations, health and safety issues, and case studies of recent incidents. Speakers include experts from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Coast Guard, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


Recording of Training (.MP4) (Depending on your connection speed, this file will take a few minutes to download and begin playing).

Download PowerPoint Slides (.PDF)

Additional Reference Materials:

U.S. Coast Guard Liquefied Gas Carrier National Center of Expertise

CAMEO Chemicals: Liquefied Natural Gas

Liquefied Natural Gas: Understanding the Basic Facts (DOE)

Natural Gas (DOE)

Emerging Risks Responder Awareness Training: Bakken Crude Oil (2015)

The NRT Training Subcommittee’s presentation: Emerging Risks Responder Awareness Training: Bakken Crude Oil, provides background information on Bakken crude oil production and transportation, as well as information on recent regulatory efforts to deal with Bakken crude oil transportation methods and route. Topics emphasize health and safety and include:  

- Where is Bakken oil coming from?

- How is it being transported?

- Bakken chemistry

- Response issues

- Case studies from recent incidents  

The training was delivered as a live webinar on January 12, 2015 to planners and field responders from Federal, state, local, and tribal governments. Subject matter experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Scientific Support Coordinator), U.S. Department of Transportation (Enforcement Officer), Transport Canada (Containment Specialist), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Safety and Occupational Health Specialist), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Response Team and Federal On-Scene Coordinator) and Environment Canada (Field Work & Response Unit) delivered the training.

Speaker Biographies (.PDF)

Download PowerPoint slides (.PDF)

Recording of Live Webinar (.MP4) (Depending on your connection speed, this file will take a few minutes to download and begin playing).

Additional Reference Materials:

- A Survey of Bakken Crude Oil Characteristics Assembled For the Department of Transportation (American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers) (2014)

- Understanding Crude Oil Transportation by Rail: An Environmental Protection Agency Brown Bag Lunch Presentation (Energy Policy Research Foundation, Inc.) (2014)

- Unconventional Crude Oils Briefing: U.S. Coast Guard (2014)

- Operation Safe Delivery Update

- Bakken Petroleum: The Substance of Energy Independence. Written Statement of Timothy P. Butters, Deputy Administrator, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Before the Subcommittees on Energy and Oversight, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives (2014)

- Bakken Crude in Transportation (2014): Coffee Break Training (NFA)

- Petroleum Crude Oil - Hazard Assessment and Risk Evaluation (2014): Coffee Break Training (NFA)

- Petroleum Crude Oil - Oil Transportation and Response Considerations (2014): Coffee Break Training (NFA)

- Petroleum Crude Oil - Preincident Planning (2014): Coffee Break Training (NFA)

- Petroleum Crude Oil - Principles of Successful Incident Management (2014): Coffee Break Training (NFA)

- Petroleum Crude Oil - Railroad Safety Procedures (2014): Coffee Break Training (NFA)

- Petroleum Crude Oil - Implementing Response Objectives (2014): Coffee Break Training (NFA)

- Vapor Pressure, Boiling Point and Vapor Density (2012): Coffee Break Training (NFA)



Training Reference for Oil Spill Response (1994)
Outlines the statutory requirements for preparing personnel to react to an oil spill. Additionally, discusses suggested training elements for qualified individuals, spill management teams, vessel personnel, facility personnel, oil spill removal organizations, and worker health and safety training. It also contains information on oil spill response courses, training resources, and includes three sample lesson plans.

DHS - External Links

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Training Opportunities Search Tool
The DHS Training Opportunities Search is the main search tool for the DHS training and exercise webpage. DHS offers a variety of trainings for DHS personnel, partners, and citizens, including home and business owners.

DOC NOAA - External Links

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) Spill Response Training Materials

NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) offers various classes and references for spill response professionals in local, state, and federal governments and industry. Training resources on this site include:

Science of Oil Spills (SOS) Course - SOS classes help spill responders increase their understanding of oil spill science when analyzing spills and making risk-based decisions. They are designed for new and mid-level spill responders. These trainings cover: fate and behavior of oil spilled in the environment; an introduction to oil chemistry and toxicity; a review of basic spill response options for open water and shorelines; spill case studies; principles of ecological risk assessment; a field trip; an introduction to damage assessment techniques; and determining cleanup endpoints. SOS classes are held 2-4 times per year in different regions of the United States. Contact OR&R Training with questions, comments or suggestions about SOS classes.

Science of Chemical Releases (SOCR) Classes - SOCR classes are designed to help spill responders and planners increase their understanding of chemical spill (release) science when preparing for and analyzing chemical spills, and making risk-based decisions to protect public health, safety, and the environment. SOCR classes are designed to offer a broad, science-based approach to understanding the framework for chemical release response for the purpose of increasing awareness and preparedness and reducing uncertainty and risk associated with this type of incident. The classes are primarily intended for new and mid-level spill responders, planners, and stakeholders from government and public agencies.

NOAA Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) Education Materials
In addition to training materials, NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) offers educational resources for teachers and students, as well as various workshops and self-study options to spill response professionals in local, state, and federal governments and industry.

DOD - External Links

Hazardous Materials Technician (HAZTECH-Fort Leonard Wood) Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) Dismounted Reconnaissance Course
The HAZTECH CBRN Dismounted Reconnaissance Course provides enhanced tactical training in the CBRN site characterization, initial entry area assessment, and CBRN reconnaissance and surveillance operations in support of combatant commanders, using the Dismounted Reconnaissance Sets, Kits, and Outfits (DR-SKO).

DOE - External Links

Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC)/Consequence Management (CM) Liaison Fundamentals Training
The FRMAC/CM Liaison Fundamentals Training is an introductory course to familiarize liaisons with the basic concepts that will be required during a radiological emergency response. Upon completion of the course, students will have a general knowledge of the FRMAC mission, timelines, and capabilities. In addition, the students will be introduced to FRMAC tools and products. Successful completion of the course will require active participation in the learning activities and passing a final exam. For additional information contact William Beal.

National Training Center (NTC)
The National Training Center provides training programs that are essential to supporting the protection of critical Departmental of Energy (DOE) assets, national security, and the environment, as well as the health and safety of the workforce and the public. The site allows users view upcoming class schedules and register for courses and certifications.

Transportation Emergency Preparedness Program (TEPP)
The Transportation Emergency Preparedness Program (TEPP) mission is to ensure that federal, state, tribal, and local responders have access to the plans, training, and technical assistance necessary to safely, efficiently, and effectively respond to transportation accidents involving Department of Energy (DOE)-owned radioactive materials. TEPP integrates a basic approach to transportation emergency planning and preparedness activities under a single program with the goal to ensure DOE, its operating contractors, and state, tribal, and local emergency responders are prepared to respond to accidents involving DOE shipments of radioactive material.

DOI - External Links

Department of the Interior (DOI) University
DOI University offers a wide range of courses, programs and customized learning solutions on a variety of subjects including firefighting, law enforcement and other special course (eg. Tribal consultation) materials.

National Conservation Training Center (NCTC)

The NCTC is a training resource provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). The NCTC provides both in person and on-line trainings related to conservation, restoration, and other topics relevant to FWS and its conservation partners. Training resources on this site include:

Oiled Wildlife Training Video Series - The Oiled Wildlife Training video series provides detailed awareness of the activities the FWS or other DOI responders might take in response to an oil spill. The videos were developed and produced by the NCTC in partnership with the DOI Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance (OEPC).

Oil Spill Response Research & Renewable Energy Test Facility Education Materials
This page is a student-friendly portion of the Oil Spill Response Research & Renewable Energy Test Facility (Ohmsett) website that includes helpful information regarding oil spills and how they are managed.

Inland Oil Spill Preparedness Program (IOSPP)

In response to the growth in domestic oil production and increased inland transportation of petroleum products, the Department of the Interior (DOI) developed and implemented the Inland Oil Spill Preparedness Program (IOSPP) beginning in 2015. The IOSPP facilitates wider participation and contributions by DOI in nation-wide oil spill contingency planning and response activities by providing resources to support four key focus areas:

  1. DOI bureau/office participation and coordination in Regional, Area, and Geographic (GRP) committee planning activities;
  2. DOI bureau/office participation in inland oil spill response exercises and drills held by the EPA, U.S. Coast Guard, and National (NRT) or Regional Response Teams (RRT);
  3. Development of an online library of applicable guidance, templates, and technical resources related to contingency planning and response activities; and
  4. Development and delivery of targeted training primarily for DOI, but to include local and regional non-DOI response personnel, to support effective engagement in inland oil spill contingency planning and response activities, with a special emphasis on highlighting protective measures for our natural and cultural resources and tribal lands.

DOL OSHA - External Links

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Training and Reference Materials Library
The OSHA Training and Reference Materials Library contains training and reference materials developed by the OSHA Directorate of Training and Education (DTE) as well as links to other related sites.

Training Marine Oil Spill Response Workers under OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (OSHA Publication 3172))
OSHA Publication 3172 is intended to provide a generic, non-exhaustive overview of a particular standards-related topic. It is written for marine oil spill response employers and describes the training that employees need under the Hazardous Waster Operations and Emergency Response standard.

OSHA Heat Resources (below for links)

OSHA Hazard Alert: Extreme Heat Can Be Deadly to Workers

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Heat Illness Prevention Campaign

OSHA Factsheet: Protecting Workers from the Effects of Heat

OSHA Factsheet: Personal Risk Factors and Heat Exposure

OSHA Working in Outdoor and Indoor Heat Environments

OSHA-National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Heat Safety Tool (App)

OSHA Technical Manual (OTM): Heat Stress Chapter

DOT - External Links

Department of Transportation (DOT) Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Outreach & Training

The Outreach and Training branch of PHMSA is responsible for enhancing regulatory compliance through the development of training materials that enable the public to more easily understand and comply with training requirements related to hazardous materials transportation. The PHMSA Outreach and Training page allows users to access training modules and other resources related to PHMSA's mission. Training resources on this site include:

Transportation Rail Incident Preparedness & Response (TRIPR) - The TRIPR Flammable Liquid Unit Trains resource materials were developed to provide critical information on best practices related to rail incidents involving hazard class 3 flammable liquids, such as crude oil and ethanol. The training resources provided on the TRIPR site offer a flexible approach to training the first responders and emergency services personnel and pre-incident planning and response.

Overview of Oil Spill Exercise & Response - This video covers the history, authorities, and complexities of oil spill response and outlines how the oil spill response community works together on planning. It also provides an overview of oil spill exercises and response.

Anatomy of Oil Spill Exercise & Response - This video provides examples of roles and responsibilities during oil spill exercises and events. It highlights the Unified Command and Incident Command System functions and how the Planning P is utilized during an exercise or incident.

EPA - External Links

Superfund Training and Learning Center
The Superfund Training and Learning Center offers various training opportunities in the environmental field and outlines how government officials, support contractors, and local citizens can get involved in programs such as the Superfund Job Training Initiative and Hazardous Ranking System training. Many of the training sessions offered are geared toward professional audiences involved in site cleanup. While some courses are open to the public, many training opportunities are reserved for federal and state regulators.

The Training Exchange (TrainEx)
TrainEx, a resource compiled by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in partnership with the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council, provides a range of training information to staff involved in hazardous waste management and remediation. The TrainEx site includes training schedules, class descriptions, registration and links to other training resources.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Individual Trainings
The trainings included in this document are also available through various EPA-affiliated websites.

FEMA - External Links

Emergency Management Institute (EMI)

The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) offers various training and educational opportunities in the field of emergency management in order to enhance the capabilities of federal, state, local, and tribal government officials, volunteer organizations, and the public and private sectors.

National Response Framework Training Course - This course introduces students to the key concepts of the National Response Framework. This course is designed primarily for Federal department and agency staff.

Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP)

The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) provides advanced, all-hazards training to approximately 60,000 emergency responders annually from state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, as well as the federal government, foreign governments, and private entities, as available. The scope of training includes preparedness, protection, and response.

CDP offers in-person training and web-based training. Web-based training includes "Key Planning Factors and Considerations for Response to and Recovery from a Chemical Incident" and other biological, radiological and environmental health topics.

National Fire Academy (NFA)
The National Fire Academy (NFA) works to enhance the ability of fire and emergency services and allied professionals to deal more effectively with fire and related emergencies. The NFA offers educational opportunities, activities, and news regarding fire operations and other aspects of emergency operations and management. Free training courses and programs are delivered at their campus in Emmitsburg, Maryland, online and throughout the nation.

National Incident Management System (NIMS) Implementation and Training
The NIMS Implementation and Training site defines implementation objectives to guide Federal, state, tribal and territorial jurisdictions in their implementation of NIMS. The site also provides information on NIMS Trainings and NIMS Guides.

National Preparedness Course Catalog (NPCC)
The National Preparedness Course Catalog (NPCC) is an online searchable catalog featuring a compilation of courses managed by the three primary Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) training organizations: the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP), the Emergency Management Institute (EMI), and the National Training and Education Division (NTED). The NPCC features a wide range of course topics in multiple delivery modes to meet the increasing training needs of Federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal audiences.

National Training and Education Division and Training Catalogs

The National Training and Education Division (NTED) prepares state and local first responders to prevent, protect, respond to, and recover from manmade and natural catastrophic events. The term "first responder" refers to those individuals who, in the early stages of an incident, are responsible for the protection and preservation of life, property, evidence, and the environment, including emergency response providers as defined in section 2 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 101), as well as emergency management, public health, clinical care, public works, and other skilled support personnel (such as equipment operators) who provide immediate support services during prevention, response, and recovery operations.

NTED serves the following 10 professional disciplines: Emergency Management Agency (EMA), Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Fire Service (FS), Governmental Administrative (GA), Hazardous Materials Personnel (HZ), Healthcare (HC), Law Enforcement (LE), Public Health (PH), Public Safety Communications (PSC), and Public Works (PW).

HHS CDC - External Links

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Emergency Preparedness and Response
The CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response home page provides resources related to addressing and preventing health-related emergencies for agency partners and the general public.

CDC Learning Connection
The CDC Learning Connection (CDC LC) helps public health and healthcare professionals stay informed about trainings from the CDC, other federal agencies, and federally funded partners. Each month, the CDC LC webpage features new and relevant trainings for users to explore.

National Clearinghouse Curricula Catalog
The National Clearinghouse Online Curricula Catalog provides access to training curricula produced by organizations funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Worker Training Program (WTP). The WTP has supported the development of curricula and the initiation of training programs throughout the country to help employers meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements under the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) standard (29 CFR 1910.120). The WTP supports the development of model worker safety and health training in a variety of program areas.

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Individual Trainings
The trainings included in this document are open to government employees (Federal, State, Local, Tribal). If interested in taking any of these trainings, contact your HHS Regional Emergency Coordinator (REC) for more information on enrollment. A list of RECs can be found here:

Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers
The Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers training tool was developed by National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), in coordination with OSHA, as a health and safety resource for those who participate in oil spill response and cleanup.

Other - External Web Links

Center for Homeland Defense and Security
Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) programs are focused on leadership development to transform how public safety officials view an increasingly complex world and homeland security mission. Through graduate- and executive-level coursework, seminars, and research, homeland security leaders gain the analytic and critical thinking skills and substantive expertise they need to create innovative solutions that address the threats facing the nation and local communities. The programs also prepare leaders to bridge gaps in intergovernmental, interagency and civil-military cooperation by bringing together a diverse range of participants to share perspectives and lay the foundation for long-term homeland security collaboration.

Disaster Resources for Educators
Sponsored by University of Illinois, Disaster Resources provides educational tools for those responsible for teaching how to prepare for a disaster, what to do after a disaster, how to receive assistance after a disaster, how to aid disaster victims, and additional disaster resources.

Fire Department Pipeline Response, Emergency Planning, and Preparedness (FD PREPP) Toolkit
Developed by the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), the Fire Department Pipeline Response Emergency Planning and Preparedness (FD PREPP) Toolkit is a free resource designed to help fire departments conduct pre-incident planning, increase preparedness, and improve response for pipeline emergencies. This toolkit provides practical information, resources, tools, and references that can be easily utilized and adapted by volunteer agencies to best meet their needs.

Georgia Institute of Technology Continuing Education: Hazardous Materials
Offers a variety of courses and programs in the fields of defense technology, electronic warfare, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training, Occupations Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training and safety courses, and other areas of environmental and homeland security concern.

Institute for Crisis, Emergency, and Risk Management at George Washington University
The Crisis, Emergency and Risk Management (CERM) encompasses the research and professional practice areas that are commonly described as Emergency Management, Crisis or Business Crisis Management, Business Continuity, Continuity of Operations, Safety and Security, Disaster Response and similar disciplines. It is the only engineering-based emergency management program in the US. While no prior engineering education is required, students graduate with a Master of Science (MS) recognized as an engineering degree, reflecting the disciplined approach to management detail required by technical organizations.

National Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center
The Texas Engineering and Extension Service’s National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center train local and state officials and emergency responders to prepare for and respond to acts of terrorism including those involving the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices

The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) develops innovative solutions to today's most pressing public policy challenges and is the only research and development firm that directly serves the nation's governors. NGA Center Divisions include:

- Environment, Energy & Transportation Division

- Health Division

- Homeland Security & Public Safety Division

National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) National Interagency Incident Communications Division (NIICD) Technical Training
The mission of the NIICD Technical Training Branch is to promote excellence through training of incident communications, telecommunications and Pathways Intern Program personnel. The scope of the Branch of Technical Training is national and international in nature. Incident Communications Training provides federal, state, county and private personnel with progressive and coordinated incident communications training from the entry-level as a radio operator, through the final level as a communications duty officer. Priorities for training are based on direction from the NIFC Governing Board.

National Strike Force (NSF) Salvage Course
The NSF Salvage course was developed for U.S. Coast Guard and is taught by the American Salvage Association (ASA). NRT Member agencies and other organizations interested in holding a training should contact the ASA by visiting to find relevant contact information for ASA training associates.

New York City Fire Academy Training
The New York City Fire Academy offers information on Fire Department New York (FDNY) training facilities, educational programs, employment opportunities, photos, fire statistics and other resources offered by the FDNY.

Oklahoma State University's Fire Protection & Safety Engineering Technology
The Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology (FPSET) Program places emphasis on fire protection, safety, and occupational/environmental health.

Pipeline Emergencies Online Training System
The Pipeline Emergencies training curriculum introduces pipeline industry regulations and standards, explains pipeline operations for liquids and gases, and covers emergency response. Courses are available for Awareness, Operations, and Technician levels, and accessible via a web-based portal.

Security and Emergency Response Training Center
SERTC is a state-of-the-art training facility focused on response to surface transportation hazardous materials incidents. The Specialist-Level training provided at SERTC is unique in its hands-on approach, realistic props, and remote training capabilities. The courses enable communities to bridge hazardous materials emergency response skill and knowledge gaps to help create safer, more resilient communities in the United States and its territories.


Working together to protect against threats to our land, air and water

United States Environmental Protection Agency United States Coast Guard United States Department of State United States Department of Defense U.S. Department of Homeland Security (FEMA) United States Department of Energy United States Department of Agriculture United States Department of Health & Human Services United States Department of the Interior United States Department of Commerce United States Department of Transportation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission United States General Services Administration United States Department of Justice United States Department of Labor