Regional Response Team IX


Site Contact:
Cat Looper & Agustus Bannan
RRTIX Co-Coordinators


Site Location:
AZ, NV, CA 94501

RRT9 Community,

Our next meeting is scheduled for July 24-25 in South Lake Tahoe, CA. The meeting agenda can be found in the documents folder under the category "Agenda" (on the right). 

RRT9 Meeting Dates: There were numerous requests for a 4-5 year calendar.  Save-the-date calendar invites have been sent out.  We will have hybrid meetings  (in person with virtual connectivity) twice a year and will utilize the first ½ to full day for tours, training and/or ACP meetings. 

Executive Steering Committee: Provides strategic direction and includes representatives from USEPA, USCG, DOI, USFS, FEMA, DOD, USACE and OSPR.  Spring and Fall virtual ESC meetings will be scheduled as well as in-person meetings in conjunction with the RRT9 meetings go to the Events section of this website.

Contact us with Questions:

Cat Looper, USEPA Region IX (, 415-535-0136)

Gus Bannan, USCG D11 (, 925-808-8134)


About Us: RRT9 is a multi-agency coordination group concerned with preparedness and response to oil and hazardous substance spills on land in Arizona, California and Nevada, and in the coastal marine environment of California. The co-chairs are the U.S Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Coast Guard.

Mission: The mission of RRT9 is to ensure coordinated, efficient, and effective support of the federal, state, tribal, local, and international responses to significant oil and hazardous substance incidents within the Pacific Southwest Region as mandated by the National Contingency Plan (NCP) 40 CFR Parts 300-399.